Poems from kay pacha
The Quechua term, Kay Pacha, is interpreted as all living beings between the earth and sky in this space and time.
Poems From Kay Pacha is a collaboration between my temporal body and the multitude of living entities with whom I cohabitate. Light sensitive Materials reveals the ephemeral presence and story of each plant and microbial relative. My own laborious processes of felting, plant & paper pruning, and Khipu-making are responses to the imprints and bodily remnants left behind. As a human member of the Peruvian and Ashkenazi diasporas, long exposure times ranging between twenty-four hours and one week under the sun grant me a deeper-rooted connection to the lands I now call home.
Experimental Play in the form of mark making is an act of joy, and joy in the face of oppression is an act of resistance.
In gratitude for this land, stewarded by the Tiwa, please join me in donating to the Honor Native Land Tax Here (for Albuquerque, NM residents). Funds support Indigenous-led organizations committed to dismantling white supremacy, settler colonialism and capitalism.
More information can be found at: https://www.honornativelandtax.org/faq